How to Write Thesis Proposal
Source: pixabay.com

Why writing a proposal?

·         Communicate the details of your research.

·         Convince the readers to approve it:

-        Your research focus is crystal clear & well-defined.

-        Your research is well justified. Is it unique? Is it worthwhile?

-        Your research is doable.

·         Show your reader why your project is interesting, original, and important.


Proposal Structure

·         Introduction

·         Research question

·         Objective of study

·         Significance of study

·         Literature review

·         Methodology

·         Thesis structure

·         References


·         Broad overview and terminology.

·         Narrow down to your focal topic.

·         Show the gap of your study.

·         Justify that your research is important.

Figure: Upside-down Triangle as an illustration of Research Background


Research Question

A research question is a concise and focused inquiry that guides the entire research process. It represents the main question the researcher aims to answer or the problem they seek to investigate. A well-crafted research question serves as a foundation for the thesis and helps determine the direction and scope of the study.

Example Research Question for Master’s Degree

·         Why and how did PKS emerge?

·         Why and how young Indonesian Muslims join and become committed to HTI?

Example Research Question for Doctoral Degree

This study aims to answer the following question:

·         Why are urban Muslims enthused to new Muslim figures and their Islamic teachings?

·         How does the process of new Islamic propagation of prosperity gain popularity among followers?

·         How do urban Muslims receive and adapt to new Islamic teachings?

·         How do the urban Muslims interpret and circulate these Islamic teachings within their community?

Objective of Study

This section normally contains the aim of conducting study. The number of objectives of study is adjustable based on the number of research question.


Significance of study

The significance of study refers to the importance and relevance of the research project. It explains why research is worth undertaking and how it contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. The significance section of a proposal aims to convince the readers that the study is worthwhile and adds value to the academic or practical domain.

(My research contributes to…. Or has a significance to existing debates regarding…) (1-3 points)


Literature Review

A literature review is a piece of academic writing that critically evaluates material relevant to the research project in hand (such as MA & PhD Thesis or journal article), it demonstrates subject knowledge and an understanding of the author’s position in relation to other academic work.

Show that you know the existing research, reveal the gap, inform your research design decisions!



The methodology refers to the overall approach and strategy that will be used to conduct the study and answer the research question…


Thesis Structure/Outline

The structure of thesis is probably different due to the regulation determined by university or government. Because of that, the structure in University A probably is different from the structure in University B.


Main Argument or Hypothesis

It is well known that each research particularly academic thesis should reveal a new finding or what so-call as novelty. Before determining a new finding and stating it in the research closing remark, student must propose the argument or hypothesis to be assessed as a preliminary claim. It would not be a problem whether in the end the claim is proven or not. Generally, argument or hypothesis are written in introduction section.



References are written in certain form following the recognized guidelines in academic world.




Weekly Class Research and Methodology with Prof. Syamsul Rijal, Ph.D. (June 12, 2023)


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